
What is Business


Business is a combination of Art and Sciences.  It is an Art where you have to create something or even a Masterpiece out of Nothing......

?What Are the Traits of a Great Leader


A Great Leader is Responsible, Reliable and is focused on the Vision ......

?How to Grow Your Network


In Order to Grow Your Network, Business Partners and Business Opportunies, you have to .....

Employees as Companies' Greatest Asset


Employees are Assets and Not Liabilities in A company, the more you Invest in your Asset, The More return it will yield. Employees are considered the Greatest Asset of any company.

Sales is the Main Point of Every Business


Sales is an integral part of the Business, we can say that without Sales, all Business will fall. Sales is providing or selling the needs of the customer either thru products or thru services. There are three main points that we need to consider when doing Sales. If any of the three .....

Business and Travel


Business and travelling has direct correlation to each other. The more a businessman travels the more opportunities he will be able to see and explore. In travelling, a businessman ......

Visiting Exhibitions is one of the effective ways


Visiting Exhibitions is one of the effective ways to improve your business. There are key points to remember when visiting exhibitions:

?Do you really need an executive assistant


If you want to become great ManagerYou have to have professional executive assistants , then you will be able to save the time and you can use your time for more important job to improve your business  .

?Why do we conduct Seminars


In our Seminar  tackles the Main Points and Topics in Business Process Management.  A seminar with the Overall .......

Human resources are the most important asset in every company


Human resources are the most important asset in every company. Each member must feel the sense of belongingness  ...........